Privacy violations occur when information is accessed, shared,

or used without consent, jeopardizing rights and security.

Call Lawyers for Employee & Consumer Rights (LFECR). Tell Us YOUR Story.

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Privacy Violation & Protection

The California Privacy Protection Act sets forth strict laws and procedures that employers must follow when examining your background. These laws protect employees against privacy violations and arbitrary intrusions into their privacy, family, home, correspondence, and reputation.

Have you experienced any of these privacy violations?

  • Your employer required a credit check at the beginning of your employment (or any time thereafter)
  • Your employer asked strictly forbidden questions, including: your maiden name, whether you own or rent your residence, your national origin, marital status, religion, or your race
  • Your employer asked you to take a medical examination or sought access to your medical records for reasons not reasonably related to your job
  • Your employer asked about any addiction-related medical condition (including methadone maintenance) or your employer demoted or fired you based on substance abuse or an addiction-related medical condition
  • Your employer sought access to criminal records for reasons not reasonably related to your job
  • Your employer asked you to sign a form releasing the employer from any liability for making inquiries into your private credit history, driving record, or criminal record
  • Your employer made a prohibited inquiry either before you were hired and/or while you were on the job

If you’ve experienced any of the above privacy abuses or you believe your employer has infringed on your privacy—or you’re not sure and need advice—take action now. There’s no charge and everything is kept confidential. 

Call 323-716-1859

What is the California Privacy Protection Act?

The California Privacy Protection Act (CPPA) extends its reach beyond consumer data to address important aspects of employee privacy violations within the workplace. This landmark legislation enhances the rights of employees in California by setting clear guidelines for the collection, handling, and safeguarding of their personal information by employers. As part of its broader privacy framework, the CPPA recognizes the value of protecting the sensitive data of individuals in their roles as employees, aiming to ensure fair treatment, transparency, and accountability in employment practices.

Under the CPPA, employees gain the right to understand what personal information their employers are collecting, the purposes for which it is being used, and whether it is being shared or sold. Employees can also request the deletion of their personal data from company records, affording them more control over their information. Moreover, the CPPA mandates that employers maintain robust security measures to safeguard employee data, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access or breaches. By addressing employee privacy violations, the CPPA strengthens the trust between employers and employees and establishes a foundation for responsible data practices within the workplace.

Our Process

  • Call LFECR at 323-716-1859 or fill out the form below after hours.
  • When you call Lawyers for Employee and Consumer Rights, tell us YOUR story.
  • You’ll first speak with a Case Evaluator, who is collecting information that they will share with one of our Case Managers and Privacy Protection Lawyers.
  • They will verify this information and ask you further questions. We’ll explain the legal process and guide you along the way – as it’s our job to collect as much information we can so we can get you the justice you deserve. Call us today.

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