Were you misclassified as an independent contractor instead of employee?

Call Lawyers for Employee & Consumer Rights (LFECR). Tell Us YOUR Story.

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Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors

Employers often evade paying taxes, benefits and overtime by misclassifying certain employees as "independent contractors." Although the situation is more complex, various factors determine your employment status.

A genuine independent contractor shapes their work schedule, invests in tools, and collaborates with multiple employers.

Have you encountered these scenarios?

  • Your job duties are assigned by your employer.
  • Your work times and locations are stipulated by your employer.
  • Your hours require your employer's approval.
  • You're exclusively working for a single employer.
  • Tools and equipment are provided by your employer.

If you've been labeled an "independent contractor" but practically function as a regular employee, you might have received inadequate compensation. In such cases, pursuing legal action against your employer might be necessary.

Take proactive steps today.

Call LFECR today. Tell Us YOUR Story.

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Why would an employer misclassify employees as independent contractors?

Employers may misclassify employees as independent contractors for several reasons, some of which may stem from financial incentives. By categorizing workers as independent contractors, employers can avoid paying certain taxes, benefits, and overtime wages. This misclassification can lead to reduced labor costs and administrative burdens for the employer. However, this practice can also have legal consequences if discovered, as it infringes on workers' rights and can result in penalties for violating employment laws.

While financial motivations are common, some employers might genuinely believe that the nature of the work or the relationship justifies classifying workers as independent contractors. It's crucial for both employers and workers to understand the legal distinctions between employees and independent contractors to ensure compliance with labor laws.

If you suspect misclassification, call LFECR and speak with an employment lawyer today, so we can clarify your status and protect your rights.

Call 323-716-1859
misclassification of employees as independent contractor

Our Process

  • Call LFECR at 323-716-1859 or fill out the form below after hours.
  • When you call Lawyers for Employee and Consumer Rights, do not be alarmed if you’ll need to share your story several times with our legal team.
  • You’ll first speak with a Case Evaluator, who is collecting information that they will share with one of our Employment Law Attorneys.
  • We’ll explain the legal process and guide you along the way – so we can get you the justice you deserve. Call us today.

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